Meet the Team
Dr. Ryane E. Englar graduated from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2008. She practiced as an associate veterinarian in companion animal practice in her home state of Maryland and eventually upstate New York before transitioning into veterinary medical education as an advocate for student training in primary care.
Dr. Englar first taught as a Clinical Instructor of the Community Practice Service at Cornell University’s Hospital for Animals. She then took on the role of founding faculty as an Assistant Professor for the inaugural class of 2018 at Midwestern University College of Veterinary Medicine. She joined the faculty at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine between May 2017 and January 2020 to launch the Clinical Skills curriculum. In February 2020,
Dr. Englar reprised her role as founding faculty for the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine. She serves as a dual appointment Associate Professor of Practice and the Executive Director of Clinical and Professional Skills.
Hayley Nielsen received her B.S. and M.A. from the University of Arizona. She served in a few different roles at the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine between 2019-2023, such as an Instructional Technology Technician and a Professional Skills Learning Facilitator. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Higher Education at the University of Michigan. Her research has primarily focused on teaching, learning, and student experiences in the college classroom.
Teresa Graham Brett, JD, is co-owner (with Robert Brett) of Learning Enterprises, LLC, the parent company of Putting Yourself In Their Paws. She received her degrees from the University of Arizona and has worked at three universities over her career. She has been involved in a variety of endeavors focused on transformative change in multiple arenas including higher education, as a consultant, and in her creative endeavors with Learning Enterprises, LLC.